How we work

How we work

Oracy, wellbeing and attendance

Artis nurtures creativity throughout the primary curriculum enabling children to flourish. Creative learners heighten their knowledge, core life skills and all-important confidence through the performing arts.

Our creative learning specialists carefully link their sessions to classroom themes. Understanding is deepened, teacher planning supported and school priorities understood – whether it’s oracy, wellbeing, numeracy or attendance.

Artis can be experienced in-person and soon online. A school within easy reach of London, Birmingham, Manchester of Leeds, should take a peek-a-boo at Artis in-person. If a school is anywhere across the UK, swish across to Artis online.



Our impact

We are a super-effective charity. Just as investors study the effectiveness of different companies, economists have studied the effectiveness of learning creatively with Artis.


Does your school have elevated needs?


Take a look at our FAQs or give us a ring.